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Brenda Paola Ampuero

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Registration Number:
Registered with Conditions
Registrant Type:
First Registered on:
12 Sep 2012
Current period of registration from:
12 Sep 2012 until: 31 Dec 2024
LDS Royal College of Surgeons Of England 2012
Conditions from:
19 Jul 2024 until: 23 Feb 2025
1. She must notify the GDC within 7 days of any post she accepts for which GDC registration is required and the Commissioning Body on whose Dental Performers List he is included. 2. She must provide contact details of her employer to the GDC within 7 days and allow the GDC to exchange information with her employer or any contracting body for which she provides dental services. 3. She must inform the GDC within 7 days of any formal or informal disciplinary proceedings taken against her, from the date of this determination. 4. She must inform the GDC within 7 days of any complaints made against her from the date this determination. 5. She must inform the GDC within 7 days from the date of application, if she applies for dental employment outside the UK. 6. At any time she is employed or providing dental services, which require her to be registered with the GDC, she must agree to the appointment of a Workplace Supervisor nominated by herself and approved by the GDC (Principal Workplace Supervisor). The level of supervision will be ‘supervised’*, as defined at the end of these conditions. The Workplace Supervisor shall be a GDC registrant in the same category of the register as the registrant or higher. She may also nominate and agree with the GDC another dentist to act as deputy who will fulfill the Workplace Supervisor role during any temporary absence of the Principal Workplace Supervisor. 7. She must allow the Workplace Supervisor to exchange information with the GDC. She must not start or restart work until her Workplace Supervisor has been approved by the GDC. 8. She must allow her Workplace Supervisor to provide reports to the GDC every 3 months and at least 14 days prior to any review hearing. The Workplace Supervisor should provide information and/or feedback concerning the following: • Treatment plans • Radiographic practice • Rubber dam practice • Endodontics practice 9. She shall maintain logs of: • Treatment plans • Radiographic practice • Rubber dam practice • Endodontics practice 10. The logs must be signed by her Workplace Supervisor. She must provide copies of these logs to the GDC every 3 months and at least 14 days prior to any review hearing. 11. She must allow the GDC to exchange information with her Workplace Supervisor. 12. She must not engage in single-handed dental practice**. 13. She must not provide dental services work as a locum or out-of-hours. 14. She must inform within 1 week the following parties that her registration is subject to the conditions and provide evidence of this to the GDC, listed at (1) to (13), above: a. any organisation or person employing or contracting with her to undertake dental work b. any locum agency or out-of-hours service she is registered with or apply to be registered with (at the time of application); c. any prospective employer (at the time of application); d. any Commissioning Body in whose Dental Performers List she is included, or seeking inclusion (at the time of application). 15. She must permit the GDC to disclose the above conditions, (1) to (14), to any person requesting information about her registration status.
*Supervised: the workplace supervisor must supervise the registrant’s day-to-day work in a way prescribed in the relevant condition or undertaking. The workplace supervisor does not need to work at the same practice as the registrant, but they must be available to provide advice or assistance if the registrant needs it. Where the workplace supervisor is unavailable through illness or planned absence, the registrant must not work, unless an approved alternative workplace supervisor is in place. The workplace supervisor must review the registrant’s work at least once a fortnight in one-to-one meetings and case-based discussions. These meetings must focus on all areas of concern identified by the conditions or undertakings. These meetings should usually be in person. If this is not possible, at least one of every two fortnightly meetings must be in person. **Single-handed dental practice: A dentist operating as a sole practitioner without the support of other dentists is working single-handedly. If this is the case, the registrant may not be safe to practise without daily contact from a supervisor or without having the option of seeking assistance from a supervisor on site. In those circumstances it may be appropriate to deny a registrant the right to work single-handedly, for the protection of the public.
Registration History:
At a review hearing on 19 July 2024 the Interim Orders Committee varied and continued Ms Ampuero's conditions, originally imposed on 24 August 2023, for the remainder of the 18 month order. This will be reviewed in 3 months. The conditions on registration are listed on Ms Ampuero's register entry. To visit the register entry, please copy this link and open it in your browser:
At a review hearing on 2 February 2024, the Interim Orders Committee varied and continued Ms Ampuero's conditions, originally imposed on 24 August 2023, for the remainder of the 18 month order. This will be reviewed in 6 months. The conditions on registration are listed on Ms Ampuero's register entry. To visit the register entry, please copy this link and open it in your browser: