David Anthony J Gwyer
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Conditions from:
27 Aug 2024
26 May 2025
1. He must notify the GDC immediately of all his professional appointments and any post he accepts for which GDC registration is required and the Commissioning Body on whose Dental Performers List or equivalent he is included.
2. If employed, he must provide contact details of his employer and allow the GDC to exchange information with his employer or any contracting body for which he provides dental services.
3. He must inform the GDC of any formal disciplinary proceedings taken against him, from the date these conditions take effect.
4. He must inform the GDC within 7 days of any complaints made against him from the date these conditions take effect.
5. He must inform the GDC if he applies for dental employment outside the UK.
6. At any time he is employed, or providing dental services which require him to be registered with the GDC; he must place himself and remain under the close supervision of a workplace supervisor nominated by him, and agreed by the GDC. The workplace supervisor shall be a GDC registrant in the same category of the register as the registrant or higher.
7. He must provide reports from his workplace supervisor to the GDC every 3 months and at least 14 days prior to any review. The reports to focus on;
a. Record keeping;
b. Radiography;
c. Assessment and treatment planning;
d. Consent;
e. Diagnosis of caries;
f. Periodontal diagnosis and treatment;
g. Sedation;
h. Complaints handling.
8. He must not provide implants unless closely supervised by a workplace supervisor nominated by him and agreed by the GDC. The supervisor should be a GDC registrant General Dental Practitioner with a minimum of 5 years’ experience in carrying out implants.
9. He must provide reports from his close supervisor on implant cases he has undertaken to the GDC every 3 months or at least 14 days prior to any review.
10. He must allow the GDC to exchange information with his workplace supervisor.
11. He must inform (within 7 days) the following parties that his registration is subject to the conditions, listed at (1) to (10), above:
• Any organisation or person employing or contracting with him to undertake dental work;
• Any locum agency or out of hours service he is registered with or applies to be registered with (at the time of application);
• Any prospective employer (at the time of application);
• The Commissioning Body in whose Dental Performers List or equivalent he is included, or seeking inclusion (at the time of application)
12. He must permit the GDC to disclose the above conditions, (1) to (11), to any person requesting information about his registration status.
The Committee intends the term implants to mean the whole procedure from assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment plan, implant placement and subsequent care.
• Closely supervised
The registrant’s day to day work must be supervised by a person who is registered with the GDC in their category of the register or above and who must be on site and available at all times. As a minimum, the registrant’s work must be reviewed at least twice a week by the supervisor via one to one meetings and case-based discussion. These bi-weekly meetings must be focused on all areas of concern identified by the conditions/undertakings. These meetings must take place face to face.
Registration History:
At a review hearing on 05 November 2024 the Interim Orders Committee continued Mr Gwyer's order of conditions for the reminder of the 09 month High Court order. The order was originally imposed on 31 August 2018 for a period of 18 months. On 21 February 2020 the High Court extended the order for a period of 12 months. The order was extended on 16 February 2021 for a further 12 months. On 23 February 2022 the order was again extended by the High Court for 12 months. On 22 February 2023 the High Court extended the order again for a further 12 months. On 22 February 2024 the High Court extended the order for the fifth time for a further 6 months. On 21 August 2024 the High Court extended the order for the sixth time for a further 9 months. The conditions on registration are listed on Mr Gwyer's register entry. To visit the register entry, please copy this link and open it in your browser: https://olr.gdc-uk.org/SearchRegister/SearchResult?RegistrationNumber=176457&Surname=&qs=1
Click the link for more details
GWYER, David Anthony J (176457) - Notice of hearing Document