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Lefofa Frazier Mogotsi

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Registration Number:
Registered with Conditions
Registrant Type:
First Registered on:
27 Mar 2002
Current period of registration from:
27 Mar 2002 until: 31 Dec 2025
BChD University of the Western Cape 1996
Conditions from:
20 Mar 2025 until: 19 Jun 2026
1. You must provide the GDC, within seven days, the contact details and arrangements for any appointment you accept or are currently undertaking which requires GDC registration and allow the GDC to exchange information with your employer or any contracting body for which you provide dental services. You must also provide the GDC, within seven days, the contact details for the commissioning body in whose Dental Performers List you are included or seeking inclusion (at the time of application). 2. From the date that these conditions take effect, you must inform the GDC within seven days of being notified of: i. any formal disciplinary action taken against you ii. any NHS investigation iii. any regulatory or enforcement action taken against you or a practice for which you are the registered provider iv. any patient complaint received about your clinical practice or conduct at work. 3. You must inform the GDC, within seven days of these conditions taking effect, if you are registered with any overseas regulator (or equivalent authority) or within seven days of making an application for registration with any overseas regulator or equivalent authority. 4. You must not work as a locum or undertake any out-of-hours work or on-call duties and must not work as a sole practitioner. 5. At any time you are employed to provide dental services which require you to be registered with the GDC, you must remain under the *supervision of a workplace supervisor nominated by you and approved by the GDC. The workplace supervisor must be in the same category of the GDC Register or higher. 6. You must not start/restart work until your proposed Workplace Supervisor has been approved by the GDC. 7. You must stop working immediately if your workplace supervisor directs you to do so, and you must inform the GDC within seven days of receiving this direction. 8. You must provide reports from your Workplace Supervisor to the GDC every three months and at least 14 days prior to any review hearing. The reports will include details of the discussions and any action points resulting from the one-to-one meetings and cover (including but not limited to) the following areas of clinical practice: - Communication with patients and the dental team - Pain and medical histories - Pre-treatment investigations and assessment - BPE and periodontal assessments and diagnosis - Informed consent - Record keeping - Diagnostic assessments for root canal treatment - Endodontic treatment - Radiography - Patient aftercare - Appropriate use of instruments
9. You must permit the GDC and the workplace supervisor to exchange information. 10. You must inform, within seven days, the following parties that your registration is subject to the conditions listed at 1 to 9 above: • Any organisation or person employing you or who has an arrangement with you to undertake dental work. • Any professional regulatory body you are registered with, or apply to be registered with (at the time of application). • Any prospective employer (at the time of application). • The commissioning body in whose Dental Performers List you are included, or seeking inclusion (at the time of application) • the NHS England regional director of public health. You must forward written evidence of your compliance with this condition to the GDC within seven days of notifying the relevant parties of your conditions. 11. You must permit the GDC to disclose the conditions, listed at 1 to 10 above, to any person requesting information about your registration status. * Supervised The workplace supervisor must supervise the registrant’s day-to-day work in a way prescribed in the relevant condition or undertaking. The workplace supervisor does not need to work at the same practice as the registrant, but they must be available to provide advice or assistance if the registrant needs it. Where the workplace supervisor is unavailable through illness or planned absence, the registrant must not work, unless an approved alternative workplace supervisor is in place. The workplace supervisor must review the registrant’s work at least once a fortnight in one-to-one meetings and case-based discussions. These meetings must focus on all areas of concern identified by the conditions or undertakings. These meetings may be held remotely. However, at least one of every two fortnightly meetings must be in person.
Registration History:
On 20 March 2025, the Interim Orders Committee imposed conditions on 's registration for a period of 15 months. This will be reviewed in 6 months. The conditions on registration are listed on Mr Mogotsi's register entry. To visit the register entry, please copy this link and open it in your browser: